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윤박  Yoon Bak

Birth. August 10, 1992
Debut. 2004 드라마 [울라불라 블루짱(OolaBula Bluejjang)]

1992년 출생. 2004년 드라마 [울라불라 블루짱]으로 데뷔 후 2006년 영화 [괴물]로 스크린에 입성, 봉준호 감독이 선택한 배우의 타이틀뿐만 아니라 극을 이끌어 가는 막중한 캐릭터를 완벽히 소화해내며 ‘충무로의 샛별’로 주목 받았다.
이후 [즐거운 인생](2007), [라듸오 데이즈](2008), [여행자](2009), [결혼식 후에](2009), [식스틴](2010), [듀엣](2012)등 다양한 영화로 관객들에게 인상 깊은 연기력을 선보였고 국내외로 극찬을 받았던 [설국열차](2013)로 봉준호 감독과 다시 한 번 호흡을 맞추며 배우로서의 성장은 물론, 해외에서도 주목하는 배우로 입지를 견고히 쌓아올렸다. 이어 [우아한 거짓말](2014), [뷰티 인 사이드](2015), [지금은 맞고 그때는 틀리다](2015), [오피스](2015) 등 탄탄한 연기력을 바탕으로 꾸준히 활동을 해오며 ‘충무로가 사랑하는 배우’로 자리매김 했고 그 열연을 인정받아 스페인에서 열린 ‘제25회 판시네 판타스틱영화제’서 여우주연상을 수상하며 명실공히 대한민국을 대표하는 배우로 인정받았다. 영화뿐 아니라 드라마 [공부의 신](2010), [풍문으로 들었소](2015), [자체발광 오피스](2017) 등 시청자들의 마음을 울리는 깊이 있는 연기로 브라운관까지 사로잡는 장르불문 ‘믿고 보는 배우’의 저력을 발휘하며 대중들의 많은 사랑을 받고 있다.

Born in 1992. After her debut in 2004 on drama [OolaBula Bluejjang], she began her film career with the movie [The Host] in 2006, and not only did she become the actress chosen by director Bong Jun Ho but also successfully portrayed the important character that led the story line and became the ‘the new star of Chungmuro’. Since then, she has been featured in various films such as [Happy Life] (2007), [Radio Days] (2008), [A Brand New Life] (2009), [After the Wedding] (2009) [Sixteen] (2010) and [Duet] (2013) and left deep impression as a talented actress. She worked with director Bong Jun Ho once again on [Snowpiercer] (2013), which has been highly praised both at domestically and abroad and continued to grow as an actress and strengthen her position as an actress who attracts attention from overseas. She has been working steadily with solid acting skills in movies such as [Thread of Lies] (2014), [The Beauty Inside] (2015), [Right Now, Wrong Then] (2015) and [Office] (2015). She was awarded the Best Actress Award at the 25th Fancine- Fantastic Film Festival held in Spain and was recognized as one of the leading actress in Korea.
In addition to movies, she shared in depth performances in works such as drama [Master Of Study] (2010), [Heard It Through the Grapevine] (2015), [Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories] (2016), [Radiant Office] (2017) and is loved by a wide range of audience and demonstrates the power of the “trust and watch actress” regardless of the genre from the movie screen from the television.


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